Dealing With Bad Document Translation Service

Looking for ways of overcoming bad document translations in the workplace? You’ve found it here, at Linguistic Point, the home of professional translation services.

Translating is difficult. The skill of transforming texts from one language to another is more just being bilingual or passing text through google translate. People seeking document translation services need accuracy, consistency and equivalence. However, businesses and organisations around the world suffer from bad document translation, affecting their credibility. Getting communication wrong across languages lead to a series of deeper issues, particularly when information is crucial first-time round. Bad document translation service extends beyond the text itself. Customers face further issues around lacking transparency, knowledge and experience, strategy, planning and costs. Choosing the right professional translation services in this crowded field is just the first step to ensuring you avoid a bad document translation service. Before leaping forward with document translation, it is worth noting the several ways customers can avoid the surrounding issues.


Bad document translation often stems from a disconnected relationship between language agencies and customers, making finding a hospitable service essential. Translation involves working diligently with the fine details and structure to a written document. When an agency is disconnected from the customer, the work loses authorship value and subsequently effectiveness across a language and culture. Simply handing a document to a translator without striking a personal connection leads to documents sapped of energy, style or worse, accuracy. Therefore, document translation requires language agencies which are attentive and approachable, so nothing is lost from the original document and the translated piece is delivered to all customer needs.  More specifically, customers face difficulty in understanding exactly what type of translation their document requires and how much it will cost.

It is essential to find a transparent language agency to avoid a bad document translation service. Before committing a specific service, which you not even require, find a company that upholds value in understanding their customer needs. For instance, seek references for experience, knowledge and customer service so you can genuinely understand their management style. You can then talk through your document, find out if it requires specialist assistance and set a deadline that works for both parties. In this way, customers uncover whether a language agency is a good match to deliver tailored, bespoke translation service. Also, working through an RFP (Request for Proposal) with your language agency will ensure they receive clear planning and direction. Obtaining this transparent relationship means you avoid committing to a rushed job and only pay for only what you need. In all, transparency is central to exchanging languages effectively and efficiency.


This may come as an obvious point but one that needs stressing, bad document translation service is avoidable by seeking qualified services. There are many translation and interpretation services out there, sometimes offering surprisingly low prices. While it may seem initially worthwhile, there is not much promise your translated document will retain its value and importance. Documents can be rushed through, mostly machine processed and passed through unqualified translators, creating a depreciated final document. This leaves businesses and organisations particularly worse off when professionalism and engagement equal to the initial document is crucial. An accessible friendly, transparent language service will allow you to further ask about quality assurance procedures and the qualifications. An established language agency will more than happy to describe to you the procedures and qualifications they hold to clear looming doubts for new customers.

In particular, use certified translation services UK for important projects to stay clear from bad translation service. This means your approved language agency will have to take extra care to rigorously check their final translated outcome, passing it through the required standards in your field. Certified translation services go further as professional language agencies will often offer you this in a named specialist service. Professional language agencies offer specific services covering legal, medical, marketing and more. They can then approach your documents with appropriate contextual information to find the right word and sentences to construct a professional final piece. For additional assurances, it is best to accompany any technical document for translation with a glossary, so translators stay firmly inline. By striving for top standards, you can avoid brand translation services that output distorted, inaccurate or misleading translations.


For a better document translation, ensure localisation is provided. Bad document translation service arises even among translators specialising in a field, where documents fail in grasping contextual awareness to languages. A document may be literally translated, in contrast to spoken language, and come out sounding weird across different cultures. Localisation services reaches beyond translation by being a comprehensive process adapting documents and products to another country or locale. This localisation process is essential to obtaining targeted communication that works as effectively or better than the original text language. The importance of localisation is already evident in web marketing as research suggests less than 40% of online content is now English. For instance, words, phrases, tones, rhetorical devices, images and even colour play into localising content for international readers and speakers. The human connection behind this is exactly something machine translation like google translate cannot fully grasp and be relied on. Thus, it is pivotal to go through contextual information with a friendly, open, translation service. Localisation benefits both parties in understanding a written content’s style, fit and purpose.


The final and easiest takeaway to deal with bad document translation service is to keep things simple. As skilled as translators can be, they are not miracle makers. After finding the right translation company London for you, avoid rushing into document translation. Handing in a large unedited convoluted text or requesting for new content additions cause more complexity and pressure to a translator’s job. Translators fall into simply rejecting a job or if still willing, rush towards deadlines with errors and inefficiencies. The best document writing and translation comes from keeping your original text simple and tidy. As shown with the importance of localisation. A terminology, phrase, idiom etc. may appear fancy in one language but will not translator well in another. In short, keep your English writing clear and concise to avoid bad document translation service from whoever you choose. This helps translators to make accurate translations and native adaptions.

Linguist Point is an established language agency that understands the importance of professional translation and interpreting services. We specialise in document translation and operate with full, friendly transparency and engagement with all our clients. We have experienced and qualified interpreters to meet your needs and make sure that the language barrier does not have a negative impact between individuals in our society.

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